Two beds side by side

Musical beds at home

Ever played musical beds? Not to be confused with musical chairs. Unlike the latter, musical beds is not a game, no music and not a lot of fun. Chances are that if you’re a parent with a child under ten, you know the score. Musical…
Spray painted heart and person

How kids express love

Love is in the air… must be February. In most schools, little children are drawing hearts and colouring them red. They’re addressing their cards to mothers and fathers, grandparents, sisters, brothers and friends. “Love” is carefully inscribed at least once on the page. On Valentine’s…
Birthday cake and party supplies

A simple birthday party

This past summer, we planned a party for our daughter’s sixth birthday. We booked a venue that allowed the kids to create, name and take a bear home. Unfortunately, about a week prior to the date, I was told that they were closing their doors.…
Leaves in fall colours

Coping with transitions as a parent

Flicking through the television channels last week, I caught a glimpse of Robyn, Dr. Phil’s wife, dabbing away tears and holding the hand of another parent faced with her daughter’s imminent departure away from home to university. The single parent whose daughter sat next to…
Tent at night

Camping as a Family

Wish me good luck as I embark on my first family camping trip. It all started months ago as the last snow of the Winter season fell. Our good friends asked that we join them during the summer. My husband jumped at the idea. I…