Feet splashing in water

Summer Time 2005

My neighbour and I sat watching our children run through the water sprinkler in her backyard, enjoying the sounds of their laughter and the soft droplets wind swept our way. Basking in the above average temperatures of June, she closed her eyes and said “ah,…
Girl laying on picnic table

Teen Girls and Self Esteem

My teenaged daughter has a figure I’d die for. Well, not really die for, but you know what I mean. When she wears shorts in the summer, strangers comment on the length of her legs which account for most of her height. Her skin is…
Woman and child holding rainbow flag

Lesbian couples raising children

On December 25th, a baby boy was born. Ten weeks later, sitting in the living room of Sarah and Michele’s townhouse in Thornhill, baby Tyler asleep in his car seat, Michele offers me home made muffins as she sips her coffee and eats her breakfast…
Mother and daughter in the woods

Mothers and Daughters

My world is one of mothers and daughters. I grew up as the eldest of four girls. My mother was an only daughter to her mother. My grandmother was the eldest of three girls. I too have only daughters. So, I should be an expert…
Wall of eyeglasses

The importance of eye care

I remember when I first had to wear glasses. I was about five years old. The frames were the kind that went up at the corners and had little ribbon-like designs engraved at the tips. Of course I was teased – “four eyes” was the…